
SITA Passenger IT Insights 2023

The Rise of Mobile Technologies and Passenger-Centric Trends

The Future of Passenger Experience in the Digital Age

SITA's analysis highlights the growing role of mobile technology in improving the passenger experience. Even with challenges in the air transport industry, digital solutions are clearly becoming more important for passenger satisfaction.

In fact, in an era dominated by digital innovation, airlines and passengers are becoming more tech-savvy than ever before. The aviation industry is continuously evolving to cater to the changing demands and expectations of travelers.

In SITA’s 2023 report, a shift in passenger preferences and behaviors has been notably highlighted.

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The Digital Shift: From Web to Mobile

The role of mobile technology in the travel experience has grown exponentially. The report underscores a significant transition in passenger behavior over the years.

Mobile Technology: The Epicenter of Modern Air Travel

There's a clear preference for mobile technology integration throughout the passenger's journey. With a 7% increase in Wi-Fi usage during dwell times in airports and a 5% rise onboard, it's evident that the digital connectivity wave is here to stay. Stages such as booking, check-in, and bag collection have also seen incremental enhancements in mobile adoption.

E-Gates: An Uncharted Territory

However, the use of e-gates remained static since 2022, signaling an opportunity for airports to refocus their strategies to promote this feature.

Positive Emotions Dominate the In-Flight Experience 90% of passengers reported feeling positive emotions on board.

The reasons? An array of onboard entertainment offers and valuable services/information available on the Inflight Entertainment Systems (IFE). Interestingly, while certain travel stages like check-in, bag drop, and security have seen a slight rise in negative emotions (attributed to the industry's challenges), the span from security clearance to landing remained a highlight.

Here, only 1 in 10 passengers reported negative sentiments. This particular section of the journey, with the highest mobile technology adoption, seems to be the most positively perceived by travelers.

A Strong Push Towards Sustainability

The report sheds light on a crucial aspect of modern-day travel - sustainability. Travelers today are not just looking for convenience but also seeking responsible travel options.

Key insights from the report highlight:

A strong inclination (almost 60% of passengers) to learn about sustainable aviation fuels and measures to reduce the environmental impact. 53% are keen on understanding the aviation industry's initiatives to reverse environmental damage.

There's a 52% demand for knowledge about the climate consequences of travel. A heartening note: over half the passengers believe that the aviation industry is adequately progressing towards its sustainability goals, marking a 5% rise from last year.

As a takeaway for airlines, it's not just about informing but also about action. Harnessing the power of IFEs can play a crucial role in not only enhancing entertainment but also in promoting and informing passengers about sustainability efforts.


SITA's 2023 report serves as a testament to the transformative power of digital integration in enhancing the air travel experience. As the industry continues to evolve, embracing these digital shifts will be paramount for airlines to stay competitive and cater to the modern passenger's demands.

For a more detailed exploration of these insights and to understand the implications for the aviation industry, delve into the full report  by SITA.

At PXCom, we always emphasize the importance of staying abreast with such market trends, ensuring airlines are well-equipped to cater to the evolving needs of their passengers.


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