
Inmarsat Passenger Survey 2023

Inmarsat Passenger Experience Survey 2023

The Power of In-Flight Wi-Fi According to Passenger Expectations

In the era of soaring passenger numbers and a resurgence of global travel, delivering an exceptional passenger experience has become the holy grail for airlines. The latest global passenger expectations survey reveals a pivotal factor that can make or break the passenger experience: free and reliable in-flight Wi-Fi.

Wi-Fi's Ascension: From 'Nice to Have' to Necessity

Gone are the days when in-flight Wi-Fi was a mere luxury; it has now evolved into an indispensable necessity for a significant portion of passengers. The demand for fast and free connectivity is steadily rising, and when airlines strike the right balance, the rewards are substantial. According to the survey, an overwhelming 83% of passengers expressed their willingness to rebook with an airline offering a quality in-flight connectivity experience.

Changing Expectations: Ground-Level Connectivity in the Skies

Passengers now expect the same level of connectivity in the air as they enjoy on the ground. The desire to stay connected at all times has become a standard expectation. Passengers are not only looking to watch live sports but also to stream video games while cruising at 30,000 feet.

Free Wi-Fi as an Opportunity for Airlines

Crucially, providing connectivity need not strain an airline’s finances. The research indicates that passengers are open to certain restrictions and are even willing to watch advertisements in exchange for free Wi-Fi. A significant 42% of surveyed passengers expressed a willingness to view advertisements, while 38% expect to encounter ads during their in-flight experience.

Seizing the Moment: Embracing Free In-Flight Wi-Fi

The time is ripe for airlines to offer complimentary in-flight Wi-Fi. The initial step involves understanding and aligning with passengers’ expectations, a process facilitated by delving into the insights provided in this crucial report.

As the skies become the next frontier for connectivity, harnessing the power of free Wi-Fi could be the game-changer that propels airlines ahead in the fiercely competitive aviation landscape.

Download the report below now to soar above passenger expectations.

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